The goals of treatment are reduction of pain and inflammation and prevention of complications.
If a catheter or IV line produced the thrombophlebitis, it should be removed.
To reduce the pain or discomfort and the swelling, support stockings and elevation of the affected extremity are usually recommended.
Medications to treat superficial thrombophlebitis may include the following:
- Analgesics for pain
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to reduce inflammation
- Intravenous anticoagulants followed by oral anticoagulants to reduce the likelihood of clotting
If deeper clots (deep vein thrombosis) are also present, your health care provider may prescribe thrombolytic drugs to dissolve an existing clot. Antibiotics are prescribed if infection is present.
Surgical removal (phlebectomy), stripping, or sclerotherapy of the affected vein are ocassionally needed to treat large varicose veins or to prevent further episodes of thrombophlebitis in predisposed patients.