It's impossible to be human and not to experience frustration, anger, or
sadness at times. Negative emotions are a part of life and cannot be avoided.
What matters to your health is not that you feel these things, but how you deal
with your feelings. The way you handle your emotions is connected to your
ability to resist stress, and stress plays a role in disease. Heart disease is
the leading cause of death in the United States. There is growing scientific
evidence that emotions and stress directly and indirectly affects the health of
your heart.
Scientists have observed that negative emotions, such as tension, sadness,
and frustration, can reduce the amount of blood flowing to the heart. Strong
emotions are also linked to increased blood pressure levels. Depression is
another condition that stems from emotions and affects your heart. The National
Institute of Mental Health estimates that 40 to 65 percent of heart attack
victims also suffer from depression. People who have had a heart attack who are
depressed are more likely to have a second heart attack. Depressed heart
patients are also less likely to follow medical advice. They are more likely to
abuse alcohol, eat poorly, and not get enough sleep. On the other hand, people
with heart disease who are positive, have high self-esteem, and feel in control
are three times less likely to have continued heart problems.
Unfortunately, about half the time the first sign of heart disease is a heart
attack or sudden death. The symptoms of stress, however, can be recognized early
on. They include fatigue, headaches, diarrhea, migraine, acne outbreaks, asthma
attacks, and sleeping problems. Recognizing and learning to handle stress may be
vital for the health of your heart.
Since most of the stress in our lives is associated with day-to-day events,
it's important to learn how to incorporate stress management into our lives.
(While a vacation in Bora Bora may seem to be the perfect solution to stress, it
won't help when you're home again and in the middle of another hectic day.)
Stress reduction techniques, when practiced regularly, will help you to feel
better and stay healthier. For people with heart disease, these can reduce the
possibility of future heart problems, from bypass surgeries to heart attacks.
Stress management therapies include:
- relaxation techniques
- biofeedback
- deep breathing
- meditation
- yoga
- visualization/imagery
- journal writing
- massage
- practicing religious beliefs
- getting enough sleep
- getting regular exercise
- avoiding being overworked
- talking to friends or family about problems
- building a positive mental attitude
No one technique works for everyone; try different ones to see which one you
respond to best. Note: It's most important to determine if your stress is from
larger issues than day-to-day ins and outs. While stress management techniques
are helpful, they do not solve things like broken relationships or financial
difficulties. Talk to your doctor about how to resolve any persistent problems
that are causing you stress in your life.