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Vitex agnus castus, an herbal approach to PMS

If you routinely experience the following symptoms up to two weeks before your period, you are probably among those women (about 40% of the population) that suffer from premenstrual syndrome, or PMS.

  • exhaustion
  • sleep disturbances
  • breast swelling
  • bloating
  • weight gain
  • acne
  • cravings for sweet
  • constipation, then diarrhea.

Emotional symptoms may include irritability, depression, anxiety, confusion, and feeling out of control. For some women, symptoms are severe and make life very difficult. While a healthy diet, vitamin supplements, rigorous exercise and relaxation techniques can go a long way toward alleviating PMS, herbs may also be helpful in quelling symptoms. Among herbs studied for the treatment of PMS, Vitex agnus castus (commonly known as chaste tree berry) is certainly the most extensively studied. German health authorities approve the use of chaste tree fruit for menstrual irregularities and premenstrual complaints. In one German study, vitex had a response rate of 90% among women who received treatment for 135 days or so.

Although some women using vitex may experience side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, mild skin rash, and increased acne, there have been no reports of toxic interactions involving vitex. One researcher has suggested that vitex may undermine the effectiveness of birth control pills and The German Commission E discourages using vitex during pregnancy. In contrast, herbalists and midwives in the United States occasionally recommend vitex during the first trimester to prevent miscarriage. Again, there is no documented evidence to support the use of vitex in this way. More research needs to be done on the varied use and efficacy of vitex.


Low Dog, T. The Use of Vitex for Premenstrual Syndrome. The Integrative Medicine Consult. October 2000.

Review Date: December 2000
Reviewed By: Integrative Medicine editorial



Premenstrual Syndrome
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