Miscarriage |
Also Listed As: |
Abortion |
| |
Spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is the loss of a fetus before 20 weeks
of pregnancy. The most common cause of miscarriage is a genetic abnormality.
About one-third to one-half of all pregnancies result in miscarriage. A second
miscarriage generally occurs in only 1% of women. However, there are women who
experience habitual miscarriages (three or more consecutive spontaneous
abortions). Almost one-third of miscarriages may occur as a late menstrual
period, even before a woman knows for certain that she is
pregnant. |

Signs and Symptoms |
Miscarriage is often accompanied by the following signs and
- Bleeding—brown or bright red vaginal bleeding
or spotting
- Passage of clots or a gush of clear or pink vaginal fluid (may
indicate pregnancy tissue from the uterus)
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Fever
- Decrease in signs of pregnancy, such as breast sensitivity and morning
- Dizziness, lightheadedness, or feeling

What Causes It? |
A wide range of health conditions that affect at least one parent can cause a
miscarriage, including the following:
- Chromosomal abnormalities account for up to 60% of losses
- Physical problems, such as distortion of the uterine cavity or
adhesions from disease or surgery
- Endocrine or hormone disorders, such as diabetes (when poorly
controlled) and hyper- or hypothyroidism
- Infection, including bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal, or acquired
through sexually transmitted diseases
- Abnormal antibodies in the blood that cause formation of blood clots
(for example, antiphospholipid antibodies, or APLA)
- Other factors of conception (such as defective sperm cells, time of
egg implantation), or stress

Who's Most At Risk? |
People with the following conditions or characteristics are at risk for
having a miscarriage:
- Previous spontaneous abortion
- Women age 35 or older
- Cigarette smoking—smoking half a pack or more
per day significantly increases risk
- Alcohol—risk doubles with more than two
drinks per day
- Caffeine—see section on Nutrition for
more details
- Cocaine use
- X-ray exposure
- Environmental toxins—excessive exposure to
lead, mercury, organic solvents
- Serious maternal illness
- Flight attendants working more than 74 hours per month
- Maternal or paternal handling of anti-cancer agents
- Increased levels of homocysteine (see Nutrition

What to Expect at Your Provider's
Office |
If you think you are having a miscarriage, see your healthcare provider. He
or she will take a comprehensive medical, family, and social history to try to
determine if there is a suggestion of an underlying cause. A pelvic examination
detects uterine abnormalities. Ultrasound imaging and other diagnostic and
laboratory tests may be used to confirm diagnosis and to evaluate the condition
of the uterus and fetus. |

Treatment Options |
Prevention |
Avoiding known risks, such as caffeine, alcohol, and cigarette smoking, as
well as other risks listed above may help prevent miscarriage.

Treatment Plan |
Immediate treatment sometimes involves surgery to remove pregnancy tissue.
Your healthcare provider may recommend counseling to help you through the
grieving process. In vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, or artificial
insemination may be used to achieve a successful pregnancy if you have a history
of unexplained, recurrent miscarriages. |

Drug Therapies |
Your healthcare provider may prescribe the following medications to treat
underlying conditions or, in the case of repeated miscarriages, to help you
achieve a successful pregnancy:
- Anti-D immunoglobulin
- Antibiotics to treat infections
- Estrogen supplementation following uterine surgery for adhesions to
stimulate the growth of the uterine lining
- Aspirin followed by heparin if a clotting abnormality is
- Vaginal progesterone suppositories
- Immunotherapy

Surgical and Other
Procedures |
Dilation and curettage (D&C) may be performed to remove pregnancy tissue
if it has not been expelled naturally from the uterus. Other surgical procedures
may be performed to address uterine problems or adhesions. |

Complementary and Alternative
Therapies |
As indicated in the section, Who's Most At Risk, there appears
to be a strong connection between diet, lifestyle, and risk of spontaneous
abortion. Before becoming pregnant, therefore, it is a good idea to have
counseling about the risks, including the importance of avoiding caffeine,
alcohol, and recreational drugs. Also, some case reports suggest Chinese herbal
medicines may help prevent recurring miscarriages caused by immune system
problems. However, there is no clear scientific evidence of this.

Nutrition |
Vitamin B Complex, Including Folic Acid:
Many naturopathic and other doctors suggest using vitamin B complex (50 mg a
day) with additional vitamin B6 and folic acid (800 to 1000 mcg a
day) for women planning to become pregnant and for those who are pregnant. These
preventive measures are supported by studies that suggest a connection between
recurring miscarriages and problems metabolizing methionine and homocysteine in
the body. Methionine is an amino acid, a building block of protein. Homocysteine
is a by-product of the breakdown of methionine. Abnormal use of homocysteine by
the body leads to a rise in levels of this compound which, in turn, may play a
role in spontaneous abortion and the development of defects in the neural tube
(the structure in the fetus that later becomes the central nervous system).
Folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, and betaine all play a
role in the proper use of methionine and homocysteine.
In addition, a fetus, a newborn, and a pregnant woman all need more folic
acid and B12 than other people; therefore, taking the supplements
mentioned both before and during pregnancy is valuable, and may prevent
miscarriage in the case of elevated homocysteine levels. Moderate to high
caffeine intake may also be related to elevated homocysteine levels.
Some substances—including caffeine and
pesticides—easily cross the placenta from the woman's
body to her fetus. Their impact on pregnancy is not entirely understood.
Caffeine stays in a pregnant woman's body much longer than in non-pregnant
healthy adults. It stays in newborns even longer. A study of 3135 pregnant women
showed that moderate-to-heavy caffeine users (those who had at least 151 mg
daily) were more likely to have late first- or second-trimester spontaneous
abortions compared with nonusers or light users. Light caffeine use (1 to 150 mg
daily) increased risk for abortion only in women who had a history of previous
spontaneous abortion. (One cup of coffee has 107 mg of caffeine, one cup of tea
has 34 mg, and one glass of cola has 47 mg, assuming all are caffeinated
beverages.) Coffee was the main source of caffeine in moderate-to-heavy users.
Light users were more likely to get caffeine from tea and other sources.
In addition, as mentioned in the subsection, Vitamin B Complex, Including
Folic Acid, researchers have recently reported that higher caffeine
intake may be related to higher levels of homocysteine. This may contribute to
the increased risk of spontaneous abortion in moderate coffee drinkers, but
further research is needed.
Coenzyme Q10:
Studies suggest that coenzyme Q10 levels are lower in women who have had a
recent miscarriage. Similar to methionine and homocysteine described above, the
production of coenzyme Q10 in the body also depends on folic acid, vitamin
B12, and betaine. Therefore, the same supplements that support
methionine metabolism (namely, folic acid, vitamin B12, and betaine)
maintain normal coenzyme Q10 levels in the body.
Magnesium and Selenium:
A small study of infertile women and women with a history of miscarriage
suggests that low levels of magnesium may impair reproductive function, and may
contribute to miscarriage. Oxidation, a process that is damaging to cell
membranes, can lead to loss of magnesium. The same study suggests that the
antioxidant selenium protects the cell membrane, thereby maintaining appropriate
levels of magnesium. The authors of the study suggest taking both magnesium and
selenium supplements.
Women who have miscarried have lower levels of selenium than women who carry
a pregnancy to full term. Although the authors of the above-mentioned study do
not specify the exact amount to take, the recommended doses are generally 300 to
400 mg per day of magnesium and 200 mcg per day of selenium. Check the dosage in
your prenatal vitamin and discuss appropriate nutrient supplementation with your
healthcare provider.
Other Antioxidants:
Vitamin A, vitamin E, and beta-carotene levels tend to be lower in women who
have miscarried as well; these nutrients are generally found in prenatal
vitamins. Discuss the pros and cons of their use with your healthcare provider
before becoming pregnant or if you are already pregnant.
Fish Pollutants:
Eating fish contaminated with pollutants, namely persistent organochlorine
compounds (POCs), may increase pregnancy risk, although it is not clear whether
eating contaminated fish contributes to spontaneous
abortion. |

Herbs |
Western herbs may help clear up underlying endocrine problems. They may also
help reduce stress, but these have not yet been studied in relation to
spontaneous abortion specifically.
A Chinese and Japanese Herbal Remedy:
There are case reports of recurring spontaneous abortion caused by immune
system problems that have been successfully treated with Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM). Researchers gave Chinese herbs to 12 women, all of whom had had
at least two first-trimester miscarriages related to immune function
abnormalities. When their immune systems returned to normal as a result of
taking this preparation, the women were able to carry their pregnancies to term.
If you would like to consider working with an experienced traditional Chinese
physician, discuss this possibility with your gynecologist. |

Homeopathy |
No scientific literature supports the use of homeopathy to prevent
spontaneous abortion. An experienced homeopath would consider your individual
case and may recommend treatments to address your underlying condition
and support your overall health. |

Acupuncture |
No scientific literature supports the use of acupuncture to prevent
spontaneous abortion. However, many acupuncturists report success in treating
women with a history of spontaneous abortion, leading to the ability to carry
the pregnancy to full term. This may result from clearing up underlying
endocrine problems and reducing stress. |

Complications |
There is only a 1% chance of recurring miscarriage; however, the risk
increases significantly with each subsequent loss. Possible complications from
spontaneous abortion include infected pregnancy tissue, which could lead to
pelvic abscess, septic shock, or even death. Depression and guilt are common
feelings that may follow a miscarriage; as mentioned earlier, there are times
when counseling is appropriate. |

Following Up |
Your healthcare provider will monitor you until the miscarriage is complete.
If you have suffered a miscarriage, you should see your provider very soon after
any future pregnancies. |

Supporting Research |
Arnold DL, Mes J, Bryce F, et al. A pilot study on the effects of Aroclor
1254 ingestion by rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys as a model for human ingestion
of PCBs. Food Chem Toxicol. 1990;28(12):847-857.
Axmon A, Rylander L, Stromberg U, Hagmar L. Miscarriages and stillbirths in
women with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine
compounds. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2000;73(3):204-208.
Barrington JW, Lindsay P, James D, Smith S, Roberts A. Selenium deficiency
and miscarriage: a possible link? Br J Obstet Gynaecol.
Gabbe SG, ed. Obstetrics—Normal and Problem
Pregnancies. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Churchill Livingston; 1996.
Howard JM, Davies S, Hunnisett A. Red cell magnesium and glutathione
peroxidase in infertile women: effects of oral supplementation with magnesium
and selenium. Magnes Res. 1994;7(1):49-57.
Klebanoff MA, Levine RJ, DerSimonian R, Clemens JD, Wilkins DG. Maternal
serum paraxanthine, a caffeine metabolite, and the risk of spontaneous abortion.
N Engl J Med. 1999;341(22):1639-1644.
Leoni V, Fabiani L, Marinelli G, et al. PCB and other organochlorine
compounds in blood of women with or without miscarriage: a hypothesis of
correlation. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 1989;17(1):1-11.
Li DJ, Li CJ, Zhu Y. Treatment of integrated traditional and western medicine
in recurrent spontaneous abortion of immune abnormality type [in Chinese].
Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih. 1997;17(7):390-392.
Miller AL, Kelly GS. Methionine and homocysteine metabolism and the
nutritional prevention of certain birth defects and complications of pregnancy.
Altern Med Rev. 1996;1(4):220-235.
Ness RB, Grisso JA, Hirschinger N, et al. Cocaine and tobacco use and the
risk of spontaneous abortion. N Engl J Med. 1999;340(5):333-339.
Nygard O, Refsum H, Ueland PM, et al. Coffee consumption and plasma total
homocysteine: The Hordaland Homocysteine Study. Am J Clin Nutr.
Quere I, Bellet H, Hoffet M, Janbon C, Mares P, Gris JC. A woman with five
consecutive fetal deaths: case report and retrospective analysis of
hyperhomocysteinemia prevalence in 100 consecutive women with recurrent
miscarriages. Fertil Steril. 1998;69(1):152-154.
Rosen P, Barkin R, eds. Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical
Management. 4th ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby-Year Book; 1998.
Ryan KJ, ed. Kistner's Gynecology & Women's Health. 7th ed. St.
Louis, Mo: Mosby, Inc.; 1999.
Simsek M, Naziroglu M, Simsek H, Cay M, Aksakal M, Kumru S. Blood plasma
levels of lipoperoxides, glutathione peroxidase, beta carotene, vitamin A and E
in women with habitual abortion. Cell Biochem Funct.
Srisuphan W, Bracken MB. Caffeine consumption during pregnancy and
association with late spontaneous abortion. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
Takakuwa K, Yasuda M, Hataya I, et al. Treatment for patients with recurrent
abortion with positive antiphospholipid antibodies using a traditional Chinese
herbal medicine. J Perinat Med. 1996;24(5):489-494.
Wilcox AJ, Baird DD, Weinberg CR. Time of implantation of the conceptus and
loss of pregnancy. N Engl J Med. 1999;340(23):1796-1799.
Windham GC, Shaw GM, Todoroff K, Swan SH. Miscarriage and use of
multi-vitamins or folic acid. Am J Med Genet.
2000;90(3):261-262. |

Review Date:
October 2000 |
Reviewed By:
Participants in the review process include: Shiva
Barton, ND, Wellspace,
Cambridge, MA; Jacqueline A. Hart, MD, Department of Internal Medicine,
Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Harvard University and Senior Medical Editor
Integrative Medicine, Boston, MA; Leonard Wisneski, MD, FACP, George Washington
University, Rockville, MD.